Worldwide acceptance

EV Services

Testing & validation for EV charging systems


Future proof EV Charging product development with our knowledge and experience in today’s fragmented EV regulatory landscape.


Deliver safe EV Charging Solutions that meet critical requirements with our expert testing services.


Quickly launch new products, and boost consumer confidence in Europe and beyond with the trusted NMi seal of approval.

Keeping pace with consumer demand for alternatives to traditional fuel combustion engines and the drive to meet environmental sustainability targets — the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) continues to surge. Increased demand for EVs also requires an infrastructure of charging systems with complex standards and regulations.

An Emerging EVCS Compliance Landscape

As government and industry increase investment in development and expansion of electric vehicle charging infrastructure to support amplified adoption, manufacturers and operators of EV charging systems must maintain high standards in a competitive market. Indeed, a reliable charging system backed by an internationally recognized certificate is both a key selling point and an essential step in proving compliance. That’s where NMi can help.

The Benefits of EV Charging Systems Testing & Certification

  • Ensure electrical safety of users, equipment and infrastructure
  • Verify that your products comply with the standards
  • Evaluate the conformance and interoperability of your products
  • Ensure electromagnetic compatibility of your charging solutions
  • Allow you to market your products across multiple markets worldwide

Our Services

NMi offers testing, training, and certification services for EV charging solutions. These include:

1. Training / Education Services:
– Regulatory Landscape
– German market positioning

2. Testing Services following:
– German legal documents REA 6A / PTB-A 50.7
– German document VDE-AR-E 2418-3-100
– Separate or integrated AC electricity meters: EN 50470-1/3 or EN 62052-11/A11 with EN 50470-3
– Separate or integrated DC electricity meters: EN 50470-4 and IEC 62053-41 (together with IEC EN 62052-11/A11)

In Germany, charging stations used for billing purposes require national approval based on a conformity assessment towards the German Eichrecht, the German Calibration Law. As a designated Notified Body by the German ministry BMWK, NMi can support you in all aspects of this AC or DC equipment assessment.

Active participation in IEC and CENELEC TC 13, as well as WELMEC and OIML, together with our position as Notified Body for MessEG & MessEV positions NMi to help you swiftly gain access to European and global EV markets.

On-Demand EV Webinar: Standards in Motion

Evolving Standards and Regulations for EU and UK Market Entry
Sean Lui of Tesla

Sean Lui, J.D. Sr. Staff Engineer @Tesla

NMi, Fastned, Tesla and other EV industry experts examine the German Eichrecht and the latest evolution of standards and regulations impacting EV charging systems. The webinar covers what’s expected from you as a manufacturer, how you can comply and next steps towards sustaining your market access.

Watch on-demand

Learn More About the Evolving State of EV Charging Systems

Read the updated NMi EV Charging Systems White Paper.

Remon Krist 

Sales Manager New Business



How to access the DC market

Find out your next steps!


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