Fair trade



Suppliers of APK measuring devices can be recognized by NMi as ”Onderzoeksgerechtigde”. Such an authorized inspection body with recognition may:

  • Inspect measuring instruments* (checking for proper functioning and accuracy).
  • Register measuring instruments in the ”Register meetmiddelen”.

*The measuring instruments for which an ”Onderzoeksgerechtigde” is authorized to perform these activities are specified in the recognition, including the employees who are authorized to carry out the activities.


  • The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management manages the Vehicle Regulations, which falls under the mandate of the Minister. All changes are signed by the Minister or the State Secretary and subsequently published in the Official Gazette.
  • The RDW has a registration task and issues recognition for the APK inspection stations and APK inspectors. They also manage the Register of Measuring Instruments (RME) and provide advice on changes to the Vehicle Regulations.
  • NMi is the certification body that conducts sample inspections on inspections performed by Authorized Inspecting Authorities (Onderzoeksgerechtigden) and grants recognition to the Authorized Inspecting Authorities. NMi also performs type approvals and can carry out initial inspections and re-inspections.
  • The Authorized Inspecting Authority has the authority to inspect the equipment listed under their recognition. They are often the supplier and can also perform repairs.

The Register of Measuring Instruments is the register managed by the RDW, which lists all measuring instruments with a valid inspection, including the date of inspection and expiration date.

National regulations are adjusted or revised by the responsible ministries, for example, due to European legislation or technological advancements.

Depending on the applicable legislation, a type approval can be valid for 10 years or until the legislation changes, often with a transitional period being established.

The manufacturer or its representative owns the type approval certificate, and the certificate can be revised when there are changes to the device or when additional tests are conducted (for example, to demonstrate compliance with new requirements).

A device is no longer allowed to be used when its type approval has expired and, due to changes in legal requirements, it no longer meets the necessary criteria.

You can submit your application for recognition as an inspection station through RDW. To understand the specific requirements for obtaining the relevant APK recognition, please refer to the following websites:

  • Regulation on recognition and inspection authority for APK
  • rdw.nl
  1. The measuring instruments require a valid type approval, which should be requested by the manufacturer or their representative.
  2. Following this, each measuring instrument undergoes an initial inspection conducted by an authorized Inspection Authority or NMi.
  3. Subsequently, periodic re-inspections are carried out (every 12 or 24 months, depending on the type approval) by an authorized Inspection Authority or NMi. Please note that NMi exclusively conducts inspections. For maintenance, updates, repairs, and related services, you are advised to contact your supplier (which may also be an authorized Inspection Authority).

*In the event that a measuring instrument does not possess type approval, it cannot be inspected.

*To determine compliance of your existing measuring instruments, kindly consult your supplier. The type approval will be indicated on the markings of the measuring instrument (in the form of Txxxx, where x = 0 .. 9).

For technical inquiries and advice on available options, please reach out to your supplier.



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