More than metrology


NMi’s independent position, expertise, and technical competence are guaranteed by national and international accreditations and designations that are underpinned and maintained through a quality system.
The quality of its test reports, its knowledge of standards and regulations, its client focus and innovative approach have given NMi an excellent global reputation.

Notified Body for MID and NAWI

The regulations covering measuring instruments in Europe are largely harmonised through the Measuring Instruments Directive (MID 2014/32/EU) and the Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments Directive (NAWI 2014/31/EU). NMi is registered as a Notified Body for both the MID and NAWI Directives and certifies most measuring equipment.

Accreditation Institutes

NMi Certin is accredited by the Dutch Accreditation Council (Raad voor Accreditatie-RVA) as a calibration and testing laboratory (ISO/IEC 17025), product certification body (ISO/IEC 17065) and inspection body (ISO/IEC 17020). An overview of NMi’s accreditation certificates can be found on the RvA website (testing, product certification, system certification and calibration). In the Netherlands, NMi is also a designated body for the Dutch Metrology Act (Metrologiewet).

NMi Certin UK (TIC) Ltd. provides UKAS product certificates for a wide range of measuring instruments under the Standard ISO/IEC 17065 and also for Section 11A under ISO/IEC 17021-1 as an appointed UKAS Approved Body (8506). An overview of these certificates can be found on the  UKAS website.

Due to changing regulations, many inspections and certification activities previously performed under ISO/IEC 17020 & 17021-1 have been converted to ISO/IEC 17065. NMi shares insight on these changes in our ISO/IEC 17065 FAQ.

Test report recognition

On the basis of international agreements, NMi test reports and certificates are accepted in many countries all over the world. For many years NMi has been an Issuing Authority for the OIML, the international organisation for legal metrology in Paris, whose test reports support market access outside Europe. Its numerous direct agreements mean that NMi test reports are accepted in many more countries as a basis for approval.

Accreditations and designations

Dutch Accreditation Council

The United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS)




Dutch Metrology Act

Belgian Metrology Act