21 Apr NMi’s new testing possibilities to check smart meters affected by electromagnetic interference
NMi’s new testing possibilities to check smart meters affected by electromagnetic interference
Smart electricity meters can misstate usage due to electromagnetic interference introduced by appliances such as dimmers and led lamps. These signals in the 2-150 kHz frequency range, including rapid current changes and high current peaks, might affect the accuracy from meters used in residential areas. This is underlined by well-publicized research from the University of Twente, and was further explored by VSL and NMi, as well as by the European MeterEMI project. To examine electricity meters exposed to these signals, at NMi a bespoke and accurate test setup has been developed. This test setup allows us to replay signals as found in the field under laboratory conditions, checking the meter’s accuracy under these conditions. For information, please feel free to contact us at nmi@nmi.nl.