Certify your Thermal Gas Meter to the EN 17526 Standard with NMi

Certify your thermal gas meter to the EN 17526 standard with NMi

25 July 2023

Want to ensure your thermal gas meter meets the latest standards? NMi is here to help you achieve EN 17526 certification.

What is EN 17526?

The EN 17526 standard builds on the foundations of EN 14236 and was developed specifically for thermal gas meters. Utilities are increasingly requesting this new certification, making it important to update your equipment.

Why EN 17526?

In recent years, more and more manufacturers have recognized that thermal gas meters are accurate and reliable alternatives to traditional diaphragm or ultrasonic gas meters. However, technological developments can move faster than legislation, so some meters were still certified to the outdated EN 14236:2007 standard in addition to OIML R 137.

The new EN 17526 standard finally introduces a specific standard for thermal mass meters, based on EN 14236, but with additional articles that better address the unique characteristics of these meters. This eliminates tests irrelevant to thermal mass meters while adding new relevant tests.

Why switch to EN 17526?

Although it is not yet a requirement, manufacturers are encouraged to update their certification, primarily because of utility requests to comply with the latest standards, including EN 17526. It thus makes sense to update your certification to meet the increasing demand.

Futureproofing and hydrogen

The EN 17526 standard currently applies primarily to natural gas, but it may be extended to hydrogen in the future. This will keep the standard future-proof and ready for the expected increase in green gases.

NMi supports you with the transition

NMi is fully prepared to support customers transitioning to the EN 17526 standard. As a 17025 accredited testing laboratory for EN 17526, we can issue official reports and certificates according to the new standard. In fact, we have already assisted customers with the transition and expect to issue our first EN 17526 certificates very soon.

Our new test stands

NMi has invested in two new test setups to meet the requirements of EN 17526. One of the setups generates pressure variations in pipelines using sound frequencies from 20 to 2000 hertz at 90 decibels. The other setup simulates valves in pipelines by passing gas through the gauge for one second and then back in the other direction for one second.

Contact us

Want more information about how NMi can help you ensure the standard for your thermal mass meters? Then contact us. We are ready to assist you.

Sharmila Kristalijn

Sr. Account Manager