
 Understanding New Safety Standard IEC 62052-31: 2024 – What Manufacturers Need to Know

An informative session on the latest IEC 62052-31 Safety Standard, released in October 2024.


The October 2024 safety standard update introduces key changes that impact manufacturers of metering equipment. Understanding these updates is essential for ensuring compliance and maintaining seamless product development.

In this webinar, NMi expert, Standley Alie breaks down the key differences between the old and new editions, providing clarity on how these changes affect product design, development, and certification. You’ll gain a high-level understanding of the updates and what steps manufacturers should take to stay compliant.

Topics @ a Glance:

✔ Overview of the new safety standard and key updates
✔ Impact on product design and development
✔ Compliance requirements and regulatory considerations
✔ Potential effects on the certification process
✔ Key steps to align with the latest standards

Relevant audience

This webinar is designed for professionals involved in the design, manufacturing, or testing of metering equipment. It is particularly relevant for kWh meter manufacturers and electric vehicle charging station (EVCS) manufacturers who need to understand the implications of the latest safety standard update.

With changes affecting compliance, product safety, and certification processes, this session will provide valuable insights to help industry professionals adapt to the new requirements efficiently.

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain a clear understanding of the new safety standard and how they may affect your business. Access the webinar resources now.

Want to know more?

Access this on demand webinar!